John is a Chartered Quantity Surveyor, a Chartered Arbitrator, registered Adjudicator and established Quantum Expert with over 40 years' experience in construction within building, civil, structural, rail, utilities, mechanical, petrochemical and M&E environments.
John Chartered with the RICS in 1984 and became a Fellow of the RICS in 1996, a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators in 2006 and a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers in 2019.
John is a practising and recognised international Arbitrator, Adjudicator and Quantum Expert.
John has a master's law degree in construction law from Strathclyde University, a post graduate diploma certificate with distinction in construction law and arbitration from The Robert Gordon University and a post graduate diploma certificate in adjudication from the RICS/RSPH.
John is also a full Member in the Practising Category as a Chartered Quantity Surveyor of the Academy of Experts.
John is a member of the Scottish Arbitration Centre. John is also on the arbitration panels of CIArb, RICS, SBCC and ICE and on the adjudication panels of the ICE, RICS, Scottish Building, CIArb, CIC and UK Adjudicators.
John is also a FIDIC Certified Adjudicator for DABs and DAABs
Extensive claims experience in construction, engineering and manufacturing.
Represents parties in pursuing and defending claims in adjudication and arbitration's.
Provides expert witness reports on quantum and programming issues.
John has extensive international dispute resolution experience working throughout the UK and Europe and in the Middle East in United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait & Libya on such contracts as FIDIC, JCT, ICE, NEC 3, GC/Works, Defcon 2000, Institute of Chemical Engineers, etc.
John is also an invited Arbitrator at the annual Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot in Vienna, Austria.